We are dedicated to helping individuals and organizations fulfill their true, courageous purpose.

Meet Sarah.

With a background more diverse than you can imagine, Sarah founded The Praxis Promise Coach with a single purpose - to help veterans and the organizations who serve them live full, courageous lives.

From her active duty U.S. Navy deployments to nursing experience to working for the Veterans Administration to her doctoral studies and academic work, and now integrative health coaching, Sarah’s life has always been one of service. The Praxis Promise Coach aims to bring the lessons Sarah has learned to bear to help others in their journeys, continuing the life of service.

Sarah brings a warm and generous spirit, combined with deep intellect and a pure heart to her engagements, be they individual or organizational. She is widely regarded as a thought leader in veteran service and social responsibility.

We can help.

Integrative Health

Are you striving to be your best self but need a strong, supportive ally? Perhaps an integrative health coach is the answer.

Consulting for Organizations

We help organizations serving veterans, first responders and other underserved populations exemplify principles of institutional courage.

Research, Teaching, &
Curriculum Development

We can help your organization pursue meaningful change, promote social responsibility, and more.